Symposium 3: CXC @ 50 & Large-Scale Assessments

Dr Ebrahim Talaee

H. Humphrey Fellow at Pennsylvania State University

Dr Talaee holds an MSc in Educational Research Methodology from the Department of Education at University of Oxford and completed his PhD studies with the University of Oxford and University College London. He joined Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) in Iran as an assistant professor before being promoted toan associate professor of educational research and evaluation. He has carried out several national and international program evaluation studies where findings are used to improve policy and practice.

Through a fellowship with University of Bamberg, Germany, Dr. Talaee worked with researchers in the National Educational Panel Study to develop a longitudinal study in Iran called Growing Up in Iran. Currently, as the Hubert Humphrey Fellow at Pennsylvania State University, he continues his research activities to develop gamified assessment instruments to assess early literacy and numeracy. 

He has been a country representative at IEA for TIMSS and PIRLS and a country coordinator for the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.